Tuesday 28 November 2017

Persia: Year 1420

Aztec Empire
With civil wars quelled, Aztec Empire joined the Great Holy War against Egipt. With the massive armies at their command, barbarians tore through Muslim defences, incorporating once core Islamic province into their Empire.

Following their conquests of Bulgaria, Aztec forces managed to push Romans beyond Dniester, claiming whole eastern Balkans for themselves.

Christian Europe
King Henri IV von Diepholz in the last years of his life, managed to return Kingdom of Bavaria into Austrasian fold, however both Moravia and Bohemia remained independent states - both of which control minor territories in the Western Europe as well.

New ruler - king Barthelemi 'The Monster' - involved himself in a Svea Rike (Sweden) war against Khazars for control over Estonia.
Sweden remains, despite feud with Norge (Norway) one of the only stable kingdoms in the Christian world, and with decline or Austrasia, it might be the most potent Catholic kingdom in Europe, lagging only slightly behind Roman Empire.

In the mentioned time period, the last wave of Nomad settlers chose to make their home in Eastern Europe, forming Khanate of Vologda.

In this perilous period of European history, with Nomads in the East, Aztecs controlling British Isles, Iberia, Greece, parts of Italy and Balkans, that identify of Western Culture was forged around the ideas of Christian unity, ingenuity and experimentation that may-- some day -- save the Western World from approaching oblivion.

Middle East

Aztec conquest of Egipt was still fresh news, when in the year 1407 Zoroastrian Holy War against Syria begun. Abbasid Caliphate, still in shock after losing their African province, could not mount sufficient resistance.

By October 1410, Persian Dynasty, for the first time since rise of Alexander the Great over 1700 years ago, gained access to Mediterranean Sea.

Fall of Egipt and Syria marked the final decine of Abbasid Caliphate, following it's Umayyad counterpart in previous centuries.
Disorganised and internally conflicted - Muslims faced the critical decline of their power across the known world. While still in control of many lands - their once intimidating empires are now dwarfed by Aztec and Persian enemies.

In this time period, first recorded mentions of renewed Sino-Persian relations - which stopped with the fall of Sassanid Empire.

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