Tuesday 14 November 2017

Persia: Year 1260

Persian Empire:
End of the Great Civil War begun a process of long prosecutions against all rebellion sympathisers. Many members of the royal family were executed or died in mysterious circumstances.
Smerids I 'The Great' never managed to complete the slaughter - or the administrative reforms that would follow once the opposing nobility would be fully subjugated: He died of allegedly poor health in the year 1243 at the age of 59.

His son, Kurush inherited the Empire in a state of flux - with many prominent families being prosecuted by the Imperial Administration. New emperor separated Arabia from the rest of the Empire, giving governance of the state to one of the only nobles who supported his father - Shirazi clan.

Shirazi Shahdom within few short years came under attack of the Muslims, enraged by the attack on their cradle, Kurush however didn't live long enough to take part in this war - he died in mysterious circumstances in year 1246.

His son - Smerdis II took the crown and early in his governship he sent aid to the Shirazi family - which suffered under massive onslaught of Jihadists.
War in Arabia between Muslims and Zoroastrians lasts for years, with neither side capable of gaining the upper hand.
Persian Empire, weakened by the struggle, couldn't resist to protect it's steppe provinces from the Mongolian attacks, securing peace by appeasement of the Horse Lords.

Muslim World:
Fall of Arabia to the infidels sent ripples through the Muslim world, compelling them to renewing Jihad on their Zoroastrian enemies. With both Abbasid and Iberian armies involved in the conflict, the Jihad against Arabia might be the biggest gathering of soldiers of Allah in five six centuries.

In Spain, Bejaid family managed to unify many of the Muslim provinces. Newly reformed Caliphate, while shadow of it's Umayyad predecessor is a promise of stability in the Islamic west.

Roman Empire:
With death of Eirene in 1253 throne went to her son Georgios, who in turn, was murdered by Khazar assassins during a Pest Conference in 1254, leaving his adolescent daughter - Eirene II as new Empress of the Romans.

Roman Empire continued to establish itself in the Central and Eastern Europe, slowly pushing the Nomadic Khazars and Bulans north.

Western Europe:
Innevetable conflict between Holy Roman Empire and Austrasia finally begun.
Known as Excommunication War, the conflict begun in a most unfavourable time for the Holy Roman Empire - already engaged in a war with the English.

Emperor Eadweard brought upon himself wroth of Pope Ioannes XI for waging war on the Welsh-controlled England while trying to expand his domains in the British Isles.

Central and Eastern Europe:
Some of the Khazars settled in the former Teuronic country, creating Khagan of Lithuania.which claimed western provinces of the Khazar Empire. During this period, Orthodox Christianity penetrated the Nomadic territories from the south, while Buddhist teachings were popular in the eastern part of the steppe.

In the far east meanwhile, Mongolian Empire slowly consumed isolated and poorly defended provinces, building up momentum needed for potential invasion...

British Isles:
Conflict between England and Holy Roman Empire ended with white peace - as both sides had more important conflicts to deal with.

HRE was forced to deal with the Austrasians, while English begun war with Scots over the Northumbria.

Those conflicts however, paled in comparison of what was coming to the British shores from the west...

Horde of bloodthirsty barbarians from across the Atlantic descended upon Irish shores, decimating the defenders and taking the island by storm in a matter of weeks, followed by equally swift conquest of Cornwall.
By the end of 1259 Aztec armies begun invasion of Scotland - already tired by the war with England.

Can the British people defend their domain? Or will the Albion fall to the Aztecs in just few short years?

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