Friday 17 November 2017

Persia: Year 1320

Aztec Empire:
In the year 1311 Aztec faith, influenced by their European counterparts transformed into organised religion - becoming even greater threat to inhabitants of the conquered land.

In last two decades, Aztec Empire made little progress in terms of expansion - busy with quelling multiply rebellions in vast parts of their new empire. Only war of conquest was issued against Bejaid Caliphate for some of their Iberian territories.

Christian Europe:

As expected Basileus Eadmaer II "Half-Hand" spent most of his time quelling rebellions of his own across the, now unified Roman Empire. Great majority of his western subjects were Catholic and were less than happy to suddenly find themselves under governorship of Orthodox Patriarch.

Austrasia continued to fight with its Central European neighbours trying to expand it's territorial gains in the region.

Early 14th century saw the final collapse of Livonia - last pagan-controlled state in Europe.
Suomenusko religion survived longest in Finland, but with the rapid spread of Christianity, fall of the Old Gods could not be stopped for any longer.

In the same period, kingdom of Svea Rike - controlling majority of Scandinavia for last 3 centuries - split into three major states:
Svea Rike, ruled continuously by the prime branch of Orming dynasty.
Norge - ruled by lesser Orming branch
Smaland, under Varnso dynasty.


Weakening of the Persian Empire let Mongol Horse Lords spread through Steppe and managed to spread into India.

Taid dynasty proved incapable of expanding the Persian Empire any farther and even their support to the Shirazi dynasty ruling Zoroastrian Arabia was mostly symbolic.

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