Friday 10 November 2017

Persia: Year 1200

Restoration of the Persian Empire brought little in terms of stabilisation of the country. Over last 50 years internal conflict remain major element of Taid focus. Empire grew in size to the north, expanding into the steppe areas, which caused only more problems as the wild frontier was impossible to maintain in peace.

In the matter of foreign policy, Persia faced another failed attempt at Jihad, which strained the Zoroastrian empire to it's limit for over three years.
Taid family managed to maintain peace with their neighbours across the Indus, securing tentative peace on it's eastern border.

Muslim World
Abbasid Caliphate managed to subjugate it's Abyssinian neighbour, incorporating great number of land, resources and people into it's domain - which soon lead to a massive revolution which, ongoing in year 1200, is likely to severely weaken Abbasid Caliphate.

Muslims were unable to thrown Christians out of Africa, with Lombardian culture beginning to spread through Tunis and neighbouring provinces.

Former Umayyad Caliphate, with greatest difficulty was saved from complete disaster by Ya'far, son of the last Umayyad caliph. He managed to overthrow the Lepe family and reclaim control over many of his father's provinces in Iberia.
Despite his long life, he couldn't project enough power to claim African provinces, which quickly begun to fracture into smaller entities, stop spread of Shia heresy in Spain, or stop the reconquista of France.
All his talents were used, to keep what was left of his family's glory from complete collapse.
He lived for 88 years, siring 14th children. After his death the Umayyad Caliphate remained in a damage control state, until renewed Crusade to restore Christianity in France.

Holy War - still in progress in year 1200 is likely to push Islam out of many French provinces - as the once unified empire shattered into many smaller entities.

Roman Empire
In the year 1197 Basileus Innokentios died in battle without male heir. With his daughter Chrysogone dead, her daughter (Innokentios' granddaughter) took the throne. Young Empress' father however, was a Catholic Khan of Spis - one of Khazar nomads that formed a kingdom north of Balkan borders of the Empire.

Romans are now force to endure (or rebel against) Catholic Khazar ruler.

Western Europe
Period of renaissance of European powers is in full swing. Kingdoms of Austrasia, Kingdom of Italy (Africa), Kingdom of England and Republic of Aquitaine are the greatest Catholic powers of the continent.
With Iceling dynasty controlling both English and Italian throne, a talk of restoration of new form of Western Roman Empire is in progress, feat which, however, would require subjugation of Austrasia.

Iceling dynasty begun in 520s, with Duke Icel of Merica. In 920s his direct male descendant - Duke Wulfhelm married German princess of the Karling dynasty, becoming the king of Germany.

Central Europe
Continuing instability in the region shows tendency for new and surviving governmental entities - both of indigenous Saxon and Slavic people to follow the Christian faith - turning Central Europe into a domain open to unification by a single Catholic ruler. Three of the prevailing powers between Elbe and Vistula are the:
Teutonic Order (German Culture)
Kingdom of Pomerania (Pomeranian Culture)
and Chiefdom of Lower Silesia (Polish Culture)

East of Vistula various short-living chiefdoms are dominantly of Khazar culture, but even there Catholic faith is succeeding in pushing back old Tengri faith.

British Isles
Unification of England proceeds, with only few Welsh Petty Kingdoms, Cornwall and Swedish Sussex and Surrey remaining outside of the English king - Petre the Pious' domain.

Pagan Faiths
Once controlling a massive parts of Europe, Germanic, Slavic and Suomenusko faith are pushed to the edges of civilised world, with Romuva - faith of old Baltic People, eradicated almost completely.
Germanic believes are still upheld in Denmark and Silesia.
Slavic faith controls few small states in Eastern Europe, none of which command any substantial power.
Only Suomenusko faith, shielded from main Christian religion by distance alone, managed to remain state religion in Livionia - controlling large (even if empty) lands north of Gulf of Finland.

Tengri faith - which few centuries ago pushed into Central Europe with Khazar invasion, is slowly replaced by Christian or, rarely Islamic faiths.
Tengri faith however, is likely to exist for many years to come, as great fragmentation of power in the nomadic Khaganates.
From the Far East, Tengri are threatened by Buddhist faith, spreading through Central Asia's steppe domains of Mongolia, Khotan and Meizomates.

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