Thursday 16 November 2017

Persia: Year 1280

The Aztec Invasion:

In a rapid succession, Aztec invaders overcame Scotland (May 1260) and begun war against England (October 1260) which concluded with unconditional defeat of the British monarchy in June 1261.

Over the next decade Aztec Empire consolidated their hold on British Isles, dealing painful defeat to the Holy Roman Empire in 1263, when Imperial provinces, remnants of the Iceling dynasty origin across the Channel were attacked by the invaders.

Empress Beatrix, captured during the war was sacrificed in the newly raised temples of the Aztec people.

A decade later Aztec invasion of Italy caught everyone by surprise. In few short years - between 1274 and 1280 half of the ancient Roman domain had to bow to the Aztec gods. Belonging go the HRE territories were defended by Eadweard II - son of the excommunicated Eadweard I.

Emperor was gravely wounded during the fighting and died on 22nd of August 1278.

Coalition of all European rulers band together to combat the threat of Aztec invasion:
Caliph Tariq IV of Bejad Caliphate - who's domains, for now, remained safe
Basilissa Eirene II - who was dragged into the conflict after Roman controlled southern Italy and Sicily were taken by the invaders.
Khan Yectiek of Khazaria - nomadic Horse Lord from Central Europe

they joined the Catholic coalition of Holy Roman Empire - ruled by Eadweard II's daughter, Margaret, Queen Hodierne of Austrasia and Serene Doge Pagano III of Aquitanian Merchant Republic.

With them, many lesser lords and rulers gathered to defend known world from the unknown threat.

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