Tuesday 21 November 2017

Persia: Year 1340

Aztec Empire:
Between October 1322 and August 1324 Aztec Empire lead it's first religious war in Europe.
Despite support of other Christian rulers, Most Serine Republic of Aquitaine, was conquered by the barbarians, incorporating southern France into massive Aztec Empire.

Next 15 years were marked by series of uprisings and rebellions across the vast empire. While unsuccessful, continuous unrest keeps Aztec Empire out of balance.

Christian Europe:
Fall of Aquitaine, once won from the Muslim usurpers, was a massive blow to the Catholic faith in Europe in more than one way.
With Roman Empire expanding it's religious control over it's new western provinces, Basileus failed to aid Aquitaine in their hour of need.
At the same time Northern War between Svea Rike and Norge - which involved all Christian powers surrounding Baltic Sea - occupied them too much to send any substantial aid to the besieged republic.

With aid only from Austrasia and lesser European lords, Aquitaine could not defend against Aztec invasion.

Weakness of Catholic unity could not be shown in more stunning way.

Roman Empire - ruled by Laurentios, son of Eadmaer - despite severe problems with controlling it's Catholic population, proves itself to be capable of holding it's vast domain under control - even if they cannot protect their own Asia Minor provinces from Muslim threat.

Unrest that plagued Abbasid Caliphate reached zenith with formation of Muaskarid Caliphate in the northern provinces of the Muslim domain. New state, controlled by Shia, stood in opposition to all it's neighours but despite minor setbacks in war against Persia, young Caliphate manages to defend itself against larger powers in the region.

In 1322 a long-lasting Jihad against Arabia was won by the Islamic warriors, forcing Zoroastrians to retreat from the peninsula. With death of Shapur V "The Great" in 1329, throne of Persia was taken by energetic Prince Zia.

Facing large opposition, young emperor managed to subjugate parts of the Empire that split away from the monarchy in previous century. With Mongols busy in India and Abbasids, once again, forced to deal with internal strife, Zia begun long process of strengthening his dynasty and the empire itself.

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