Sunday, 2 February 2014

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2. Byzantine Empire 1050

Biggest news in last 50 years was mending of the Great Schism by Justinian 'The Saint', from Byzantine Empire. Christnians however have very few reasons to celebrate. Taken from Muslims at the end of last century Jerusalem fell back into their hands in 1030s as direct effect of Jihad that united Islamic states in struggle against Byzantine Empire and her allies. Rulers of Constantinople - facing armies of Jihad not only from south and east, but also north (where Muslim-ruled Kingdom of Georgia expands evermore into south Russia) hoped to defend their previous gains until help from west came. Despite letters of support, by the time east Anatolia was overrun by enemies only armies of Bulgaria made it to the field - other European armies were only forming up, or weren't even mobilized. The City itself was besieged for over four months. In this dire situation Empress Evantia - daughter of late Justinian The Saint called for armistice and parley.
As a result, Jerusalem returned to the Crescent Moon.
Meanwhile, far to the west kingdom of Castille was facing it's own annihilation. By 1050 on Iberian Peninsula only King Ansur II of Asturas (descendant of Princess Kara Makedon, grand-grand-grand-grandson, to be exact) and young King Henrike of Navarra defend Christianity south of Pyrenees.
Process of Christianization in North and East Europe meets ferocious resistance from Norse pagans - their believes spread to territories of Europe where Rurikid dynasty once ruled in Rus and Ruthenia. Today Rurikids are no more - but their faith and customs were taken over by new families - firmly upholding old faith and stopping Ragnarok of their religion.

Recently split on succession matter Aquitane is the only nation ready to pick up mantle of France and carry it forward - but will the vicious civil war leave them enough power to retake Ile-de-France from germanic dukes ruling it?

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