Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Playing Now: CK2. Roman Empire 1300

While majority of European continent enjoys the Pax Romana, Middle-East for last 50 years was locked in a conflict between Mongols and Muslim Yusifid dynasty. With Golden Horde slowly gaining ground, especially since the fall of Yusifid dynasty, the struggle is far from over.

Meanwhile, far to the west in provinces of central Spain another struggle continues - for centuries Christians and Muslims fought over the control of this old Roman province. With restoration of Western Empire, Iberian Peninsula is slowly reunited under Roman control.
Scandinavia - the only region in Europe where Catholic faith remains strong, is subjected to Imperial expansion too, with throne of Denmark being taken by Emperor's nephew. While this doesn't incorporate Denmark into the Empire, Makedon family has potential to expand further north and subjugate Catholic heretics.

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