Wednesday 29 January 2014


This is the post where I talk about myself and why you should care about what I have to say.
Sadly, neither of those topics hold any real value to me, so I don't think you should care about it either.

Seriously, it's not like I'm doing this "I'm too cool to care" routine. I really think any information about me, or any gaming creds aren't really worth reading. If you find what I write entertaining, stay, if not good radiance. Knowing every gaming system I had, or how many times I've beaten game X on Y difficulty level doesn't really change anything here.

Only thing you really need to know is that I'll be talking here about games. Games I play and want to talk about, some afterthoughts or general reflections regarding general gaming or some silly details nobody else may care about.

Here, you've been informed.
I hate doing intros..
look, you've learned something about me after all!

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