Thursday 3 April 2014

Elder Scrolls Online - First impressions.

I've seen it before.
But it that bad really!
Spring bugs sting hardest.

You can't make me play -
You can only make me win
At dusk we see all.

Game is just a road.
Summer path shared with a friend!
Alone you must PUG

No raids, plenty bugs
We cry! Waiting for morrow
With patch and new bugs.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Nuclear Tomorrow

Work-work mode is fully on. You know, having part time job takes more of my time than the regular one I had before. It's crazy, but I get into doing all those "extra" things now, I had no time before, and it takes a looot of my time.

Anyway, today something that "touches" upon topic that fair number of games touched upon in the past. It is a touchy subject! Either from RTS perspective of World War 3, or the Post-Nuclear "rebuild of civilization" or RPG perspective of living after the war.."war that never changes"...

This is one of those classic for me "be there" moments.. so sit down, take your Rad-X and take a deep breaths.

It's early afternoon, maybe evening. It's still bright outside, little windy, but other than that the weather is fine. You're sitting in front of PC or with your tablet, iPhone, book - whatever you do to relax after long day.

Whatever you're doing, you're not looking at the window or even in direction of window. That's what saves your sight. There is a momentary flash outside. It bright up room you're in to uncomfortable levels. As if an eye-doctor just took his little flash-light and run it in front of your eyes. It's similar. But stronger and painful. You weren't looking outside, you didn't knew that the flash was, or what it meant.
You're barely done registering and classifying that event in your mind, as the noise, loud as all hell almost bursts your ears. It's a sound like you never heard before. Everything vibrates with the noise, your windows crack and burst. Something taken straight out of a horror movie, like a roar of a great dragon is coming. Anything relying on electricity shuts down, split of a second later.
You're not even in the state of shock yet. You just don't know what's going on. And then roaring wind, like an old, rusty train running on the rattle-railways.. too fast and too loud. By now you turn your eyes towards closest window and you see the hurricane-like wind rush though the street. Taking everything with it. Cars, trees, people. The vibration stars shacking everything. Walls crack and you expect any moment to be crushed by ceiling over you. Blast wave throw you to the ground and you feel great heat coming from outside, as if you sat in front of a giant camp fire. But it's not wood gathered earlier that burn outside, it's the world itself. And the flame steals all the oxygen. You take a breath, but all you feel is hot non-air getting inside. You're getting dizzy. It's funny. Why? You don't know, but it's funny.

The whole experience lasts few short seconds. Barely enough to realize that somewhere out there, a giant mushroom cloud grows in the distance, turning the life you had into a distant dream, never to be dreamed again.

You come back to your senses few moments later. You feel every fibre of your being hurting. Eyes, ears, fingers, mouth, tongue, lungs, stomach. Skin.
As you lie on the floor of your apartment, among furniture and broken glass you get the idea what just happened. But you don't want to believe that. It's almost beyond the realm of possibility. You sit up. You're more-less fine. Some cuts and bruises, but nothing that would inhibit your movement. your skin is slightly red-ish though. Something isn't right though. It's the silence. Complete silence. You don't hear anything. Not just outside. You don't hear your own breath or cough. There's just very distant high-pitched ringing. You feel dizzy and stumble as you stand up.

It's still bright outside. But there's something dark in that lightness. Something unnatural, an aura of menace that glows hungrily. Your first thought after the initial state of shock is for your close ones. Your family, friends, co-workers. You were alone in your house before.
You don't know what happened of them...
Hot air is filled with dust that slowly settles down on everything you see outside. Cars, flipped few times and mangled beyond recognition piled-up against large building that's still standing. Street lights were broken like matches. Bent and twisted they lie on the street too, among rubble of every possible origin.
You don't see anyone else. You don't hear anyone either.
Oh.. wait, you couldn't hear them, even if they were right behind you. People, finding other people. Your neighbours? You decide to leave the house you're in first. Cracked walls drip with dust and crumbs, suggesting that your house isn't really stable.
What do you take with you? Mobile? Coat? Keys? What else? Flash-light? Good enough for now. You leave, knowing that any moment the house may fall on your head.

You're outside, on the street you once knew, now transformed into a scene from worst nightmares. Now, up close, you see twisted bodies inside crashed cars. You see people thrown against walls, alongside debriefs carried by the blast. What do you do? Where do you go?

Closest police station, fire-station, hospital. You see other survivors in your area. Some of them wounded, with skin either red - like yours, or burned. All covered in dust that descends from the sky. Some call to each other, some call to you maybe? But you can't hear them. You just stumble down the street you use to knew. Idea of taking coat feels funny now. It's so warm outside, just like in the middle of the summer.
For the first time you look around at something further than ruins.
Even the sky is shattered. Clouds above you are shattered, broken and twisted. And there, over down-town a giant cloud majestically ascends into nothingness of the sky. You can see smoke rising from different parts of the city. Fires. Whole city is a burning wreak. Mangled buildings stand up among pillars of darkness rising even higher.

It's a guess, educated one thou, that the place you're looking at, is filled with dying people. Dying right now. Burned alive. Blinded and deaf. With street asphalt turn semi-liquid, nobody can run away. With air sucked out by the flame, there is suffocation and death waiting for those who somehow survived the explosion.
They will all die. Everyone. How many of the people you knew might be dying now? How many people you loved? Those who died instantly were the lucky ones. Those living long enough to realize they're dying however...

Our generation, spared the horrors of war, protected by political correctness and gentile minds - how can we comprehend and react to the death of so many, so fast, so pointlessly.
With our brutality meter set so low, how can we react?
What is the most horrifying, brutal and bloodiest memory you ever had? You might have seen someone who's dead, or dying. Someone who got shot, run over, hit by something. Someone that just lost a limb or head. Someone cut in half, someone burning alive. Imagine all of those things. At once, magnified by how far your eye can see.

It's cliche example, but in the "old times" public executions, even public tortures were something for common folk to watch. And they would! They would come with children to see flaying of another human being. In the old days people would themselves, stone their peers to death. They do that to this day in some parts of the world.
But we don't see that. We live in the world of gentle mindset born in the age of enlightenment, brought up in the age of steam and cultivated in the age of radio and TV. We're not use to seeing dead children lying in the dark alleys. And you know what? Dead children weren't so uncommon in the old days. Mortality rate was high; there were no contraceptions, no USG and no gynaecologists. Dead children. Infants. On the streets. Of Paris, London, Berlin.
We're living in the world so sterile and safe that we can't even understand mindsets of people living two centuries ago. And for them our world would feel strange too.

How far however we really are from our ancestors? With laptops and internet, with medicine for every illness and culture of plenty.. with all of that gone in a blink of an explosion. How would we reacted?
We would grew savage. We would kill for food.
Yes, you would be able to kill someone to take away the food he found. You would murder.

You don't believe me? Then I dare to say you were never starving. And I don't mean those force-of-will attempts to get your weight down before summer. I mean starving - there is no food. Nothing. For days.
Forget about yourself, maybe you're so closed in modern mindset that you would starve to death before killing another.

But how about your children?
Your children starving to death. With their small bones easier to see though their skin with each passing day.
With life slowly bleeding out of them.
And you meet someone. Someone who you can kill. Someone who has food, but won't share it with you. Not a bit.
You have to kill him to get it.
Him or your child.
It's that simple.

Because world, despite our high-horse morality is that simple. We all compete for a limited amount of supplies. With hunger so strong you can't think of anything else, the primal instincts would take over. If not, you'd simply die. And those who shed the illusion of high morals would prevail.

We, as a race, moved very little in terms of our humanity from the earlier animals on the evolution tree.
Our civilization exists for what? 10.000 years? That'e extreme, but lets go with that. 10.000 years during which people chose to live in settled societies. Humans as a species is around for 200.000 years.
We abolished slavery between 250 and 150 years ago. We gave voting rights to woman depending on country between 120 or 40 years ago (France '44, Italy '45, Switzerland, '71)
War crime and laws of war were established first in Hague 115 years ago.

Are we that far from killing each other for food?
Would our modern mindset could carry such a burden?
Sure. There are people killing people today. In every city you have people that killed other people. Some (hopefully most) are in jail. But they murdered someone for something.
You could too if you were pushed far enough.

Remember, it's not the first death that weights on you the most - it's the one against most innocent of your victims.

Monday 3 March 2014

War, Games and History.

I don't really play many RTS games, not counting Total War series. First RTS I did played was Dune 2. Then Warcraft 2 and C&C series. Warzone 2100. Later Earth 2140-2150.

I normally play RTS games in the way modern west Europe would. I try to keep my soldiers safe whenever it's possible. That's why I suck at multiplayer where units are a resource to be earned and spent.
I have problem about thinking in those categories. Call me crazy - I do what I can to save "lives" of my guys.
I'm more like Wellington than Napoleon in that manner.

Build up defences, let enemy crash against your walls, pile up units, attack only when almost sure of victory.
I feel most comfortable in defence.

This is so different from my attitude in games like FPS - where I am the first to charge (and die). I am aggressive, pushing and rarely stop for anything. In Borderlands for example I always played Brick, rush in, beat-em-up and move on.
I don't like playing a sniper, I don't like wasting million bullets while shooting from afar. I want to smash and kill and have fun with it.
RTS? I will hold the line till the cows come home and then little longer, just to be safe.

In my mind when I throw myself on a grenade (which I might have thrown myself), I just waste my own life.
While leading troops in RTS game, I get stupid and try to save their lives. You know, it's sound fine - not throwing needlessly lives away, right? For me it's not a matter of tactic, but saving lives of troops under your command. Yes, the stupid box of pixels and numbers I can produce at mass.

This mindset switch is something silly - but profound in my playstyle.

Think about going to war. Think about being on a battlefield.
Day starts and before it ends you have a fair chance of being dead. And if you wont, there's a far chance you'll kill someone. Or at least see someone die in a horrible way. Horrible.Way.
And you can die in horrible way too.
Read war memoirs from WW1. From any war actually where writer was in the front line.

Our white-gloved culture don't prepare us to see this sort of violence. Few centuries ago public executions for example were means of people getting use to death, sometimes in horrible ways.
We're shielded from human gore.
And it's not like what you see playing videogames. Games only interact with your eyes and ears. Wet sounds and red pixels. It's entertainment for us. Just like public executions were for our medieval ancestors.

So, you're standing on a battlefield. Any period will do, lets say.. 18th-19th century - civilized times in warfare. You're serving in line infantry. One of many in your unit you stand under watchful eye of your superior. The drums play, the standards wave. You see horse messengers rushing back and forward behind your positions. And there, on the other side, you see army of men, just like you. They stand there. You can almost hear their drums or trumpets. Battle starts with some skirmish, maybe some cavalry fight on the wings. You hear artillery maybe some firearms. And then, an order.
Like a wave going from battalion to battalion. Forward.
And you go. And it is on. It's a matter of time before you can see where and why are you moving. There are men on the other side that will try to shoot you. Same way you'll try to shoot them.
Maybe it's all a little unreal still. But you know you can die soon. In 10 minutes. 5. 3. Order to stop.
To fire. To reload.
Maybe you're lucky and you caught enemy still moving. But that won't take long. After first few shots, smoke covers your whole front view - unless wind is too strong. You don't see much ahead of you. And then you hear roar from ahead. Maybe line of white flashes in front. And moments later bullets fly around you. You can hear them. Maybe one of them missed your ear by few inches.
Lets say it did.
But guy next to you wasn't as lucky. His face is now a bloody mess. He falls on the ground next to you. His blood, maybe parts of brain spray around. He yells or cries out. And it is a cry like you never heard before. Cry of someone dying. Right here. Right now. Next to you.
What do you do? You reload. You try not to look at the bleeding corpse that lies next to you.
Oh.. no, he's not dead. you can see his arms moving, hands pressed against bullet-pierced face. He knows it's the end for him. But the primal instincts kick in.. he doesn't want to die. His body refuses to acknowledge death. He coughs and yells and cries out for mother, father, god, his wife, his children. And you know, in five seconds you might be lying next to him. Doing what he's doing. You hate him. He is you, from the future.
He is you from twenty inches to the right.  
Your hands may shake at this point. But you reloaded your gun. You rise it and shoot into the smoke ahead. And people on the other side scream and die.
And then you. And them and you again. And the smoke gets into your eyes. You wouldn't see much anyway, by now smoke covers you completely.
Your brain refuses to accept the things you can see.. and do see.
People around you, dead or dying. Or standing and shooting just like you.
You're trained to focus on shooting. And you think that perhaps you just shot the very man that had a bullet with your name on it already aimed at your chest.

Death can happen in any second. Bullet is just one way of dying. How about cannonball? You wouldn't even see the metal ball coming. It might go as fast as 150-250 meters per second. To give you an idea - cannonball hits the front of the modern car.. and it makes its way to the other side without a hiccup. You have one hole in front one in the trunk.
Now imagine, that's not a car that just stood in the way of cannonball. It's you. And there's a chance you won't even register the fact your body is being torn in half. This can happen at any moment to you. Or anyone else around you.
Another way to die is being stabbed. Bayonet charge was popular up to WW1.
It doesn't take long, you know? By the time you reload your rifle enemy might has the end of his in your belly.
So, as you expect death in any moment, from any direction, you try to mute the sound of people dying and bullets flying. You want to focus on the voice of the drum, or whistle, or trumpet.. or voice of the NCO that lead your unit. You want to know if retreat order was given. If you can turn away and flee.
That's what you really want to do now. Turn around and just leave this horrible, blood-soaked field.
What if the person that suppose to transmit order of retreat was killed. And you're standing there shooting like an idiot, blind to the fact your position is about to get overrun. Or you've been flanked by cavalry.

Lets say your side won the battle thou, and you survived. You're alive. Without any major wounds.
This is not the end. This is just one battle. Another one might be a week from now. Or two. Or tomorrow.

Would you liked to think that the person that sends you each time on the battlefield thinks of you as a resource to be spent?
If have trouble separating myself from those experiences when I play videogames. I'm too involved. Too absorbed. 

Today conflict between Russia and Ukraine is heating up to new levels. In few weeks time people like me might be on the streets of Ukrainian cities, going though the same motions I described. Heck, if things will really get screwed it might be me. I don't really believe this as a possible option, don't get me wrong. But first time in my life such a possibility exists outside of pure sci-fi.

Fuck.. I'd use all the cheat codes to get out of that.
God mode please! 

Monday 17 February 2014

Warhammer 40k...

Back in the Brotherhood days, one of my Brothers was very much into Warhammer 40k. Conventions, costumes, whole nine yards. He went by the name Inquisitor Kharnaeth.. or Kharneth. It's been so long I don't ever remember.. we all called him Khar.
I was familiar with the universe, but it wasn't my piece of the pie, Warhammer in fantasy setting wasn't really my thing either. I was deeply entrenched in Forgotten Realms back then.
Still, WH40K grew on me over the years, partially thanks to bunch of good games that came out of Workshop.

Okay, what do I mean when I say good - not like those games were anywhere close to being unforgettable titles. They were good, bit unbalanced for multiplayer, but still solid titles in their respected genres.
What really made my day in WH40K games was the atmosphere. This is something you can't just manufacture - dark, grim - yes, yes, we've seen it all before, but Warhammer 40k has the amazing mix of sci-fi and purely medieval attitude to the world. It's the world where knowledge became religion. How amazing is that.
In our world we got use to having science replace religion. We know that things people use to consider will of god(s) has scientific reasons. From powerful thunders to the tiny microorganisms - what people considered god-made, became just part of nature that is explained and understood thanks to progress in sciences.
We're comfortable thinking, this process will continue - we will understand more and more with every generation. World around us will turn purely into understandable profanum, leaving sacrum in the dust of history.
In Warhammer, profanum, over centuries turned into sacrum itself. Mankind is nowhere as illuminated as we'd like to think future generations will be, and all believe in the Emperor. Emperor Protects.

In this sci-fi world humans compete against orks, eldars, tyranids and many other threats, from which most diabolic seams to be deamons of Warp. Who stands against the onslaught of xenos?
Space Marines, of course (and Imperial Guard!).
Space Marines are like super-humans, genetically changed in young age with gene-seed, they become walking, living war-machines, protected by their iconic power-armour, welding bolters, chain-swords, fighting enemies of the Empire across the galaxy.
Fighting is a key word here. Space Marines are boys club. Whole universe is very much keeping the Rambo-feeling to itself. Like an old 80s movies you have heroes that kill dozens of enemies, drop epic one-liners and give away their lives for the Emperor without so much as blink of an eye.

I'm not saying that girls can't find it appealing, sure they can - but you don't see as many of them in Warhammer 40k camp, compared to other fantasy/sci-fi genres. Maybe it's a stereotype, but WH40K doesn't hold much appeal for someone who isn't into fighting. Sure, you can find place for female-characters, perhaps Eldars... but the bulk of the universe - Empire of Mankind and Space Marines - you're often locked in the boys club.
Is it bad?
No. Bending the world to bring in more and more new people into it isn't always the way.
Keep it good, keep it simple and don't overthink everything.
This is appeal of WH40K universe - it's sole focus is conflict. It is the driving force of the world.
And it works.

Middle-earth, Forgotten Realms and almost every other fantasy/sci-fi setting is softer and more refine. Sure there is war and pain, but you have your Rivindales, your Candlekeeps, your Yawin 4s and.. well, whole United Federation of Planets from Star Trek is peaceful and enlightened. In Warhammer 40K it's hard to find peaceful, untouched by war places. It's dark, brutal, merciless, grim, mystical and bare setting with an unique feeling to it that cannot be replicated. Blizzard tried with Starcraft, and while great in it's own right, it's not Warhammer 40K.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Playing Now. CR2. Roman Empire 1453 (endgame)

Son of Julius 'The Confessor', was hailed Augustus soon after his father's death. Young, 10 year old boy claimed the Imperial throne under the name of Constantine XI - and ruled Empire of his forefathers till 1453.

In real history, Constantine XI was the last Emperor of Rome, killed in melee during final assault on Constantinople by Osman Turks in 1453. In alternative history, Constantine Augustus rules an Empire stretching from Ireland to Egypt.

Roman Empire, restored by his ancestor in 1200s has no equals on the world stage. Even combine powers of Timurids and Arabs couldn't break though the great armies that Empire conscripted from it's vast territories.
Constantine spent most of his life however, fighting Sunni Islamic states of Spain and west Africa. During his rule the 700 hundred years Reconquista almost reached it's goal. Last city still in hands of Muslims in Mercia was a pitiful reminder of the times when whole Peninsula was hidden in the shade of Crescent Moon.
Meanwhile legions crossed Gibraltar and took hold of north Morocco, set to conquer sea-side provinces and connect with Roman-controlled Algeria.

Central and eastern Europe remained under control of their local rulers. Germany, Poland, Bohemia and Ruthenia had to accept however, living in the shadow of a giant. Bulgaria, one of the oldest and most reliable ally to Rome recently fell into a state of civil war, turning hungry eyes of many Imperial Despotes to the fragmented lands, located so close to the old Imperial capital. More remote states - like Rus was busy carving out their own empire from the leftovers of Golden Horde. Northern Europe hid however a new enemy for the Orthodox states - Catholic Kingdom of Sweden begun expanding south, converting pagan Lithuanians to Christianity, promising resurgence of religious conflict between followers of Jesus.

Middle east, since arrival of first Mongol hordes in 1220s, saw very little peace. Constant struggle between Arabs and their eastern foes shook the region with wars, and rebellions in conquered territories. In 250 years very little changed in the region; Muslims were defending their eastern border, while Mongols pressed against them, meanwhile dealing with series of rebellions in their own backyard. This back-and-forward was strongly supported by Romans, supporting either Muslim or Mongol rulers in their endless struggle.

Coming centuries will show, if Roman Empire truly escaped the fate of being wiped from the world map - as the age of exploration, discovery and renaissance will shook the traditional values of Roman mind. Today however Constantine XI can look with hope at the world at his feet.

His ancestors look down upon him now, expecting great deeds worth of their blood.

Friday 14 February 2014

Playing Now. CK2. Roman Empire 1400

14th century saw one of the most bloody conflicts in European history since the decline and fall of Western Roman Empire. High middle ages bloomed red, as great armies faced each other across the world to fight for dominance.

Century begun with more fighting between Mongols and Arabs. Muslims eventually pushed the Asian hordes back, giving them enough breathing space to prepare war against Romans. Jihad that lasted almost six years saw it's conclusion after both sides decimated each other, with neither side gaining real advantage in the conflict. From over 100.000 men Romans put to defend their borderline, less than 25.000 came back alive, despite constant reinforcements of 2.000-3.000 soldiers every month. Emperor Constantine IX, son of Valentinian IV, never saw end of combat, he died in 1350. His son Constantine X continued the war for another four years. Eventually Jihad ended with white peace after parley instituted by Romans.
Constantine was eager to finish the war since another conflict against Muslims was just heating up in Spain - another Jihad, this time lead against Roman, controlled-Aragonia was already in progress when Roman legionnaires eventually left the blood-soaked lands of Anatolia.

Second Jihad was met by Spaniard nobles and their levis (never called to eastern borders). Spanish armies kept Muslim invaders at distance, trying to disrupt concentration of their armies, eventually retreating north where they waited for reinforcements coming from the war to the east. Islamic armies broke against the veterans of the Legions during short and brutal campaign that begun as soon as battered Roman armies reached the new front lines. Once Jihad was repelled, Constantine X kept core of his forces in Spain, to destroy Muslim resistance once and for all, returning whole Iberian Peninsula back to the Roman control.

Golden Horde squared against Muslims for first half of the century with mixed luck, eventually to be split by the rebelling Cumans into north part - holding lands of Perm, east of Rus and south - facing Islam.
Slow decline of Golden Horde lasted till 1370, but the final blow wasn't dealt by Cumans nor Arabs.
New force broke into the known world - Timur the Great, leading his horse army destroyed Golden Horde and within few years pushed Islam away from eastern Roman borders. His armies run though Roman-controlled Armenia within weeks, forcing legions to postpone subjugation of Spanish provinces and rush across Europe to fight Timur's armies. Mongols were pushed away after few battles in difficult, hill-scarred terrain of eastern Anatolia, Romans however lost many of their newly-reformed troops.

This is a key aspect of next few years for the Empire, while they won all their wars, it diminished combat-quality of troops and left Imperial Treasury empty. With death of Constantine X, Julius - his son, ascended to the throne. Julius was born alongside his brother - Brutus. Both boys took part in Jihad wars on both fronts in their early age. Brutus was killed during battle against Timur's armies, leaving Julius as the only rightful heir to the throne.
Julius however wasn't the type of ruler his father or grandfather were, and without gold to keep his position on the Imperial throne secured, he faced a rebellion of his lords. England, Portugal, Armenia, parts of France, Africa, Italia and Croatia rose against new Emperor. During long civil war Julius, veteran of many battles tried to defeat the rebellion in one, massive battle - rebels however, spread across the Empire slowly drained Imperial resources. Eventually Empire managed to reclaim most positions in France and Italy, recapture Constantinople and key cities of Low Provinces. Despite England falling in the hands of rebels, end result of civil war was total victory of the more experienced young Emperor. It is noteworthy that vengeful ruler executed or imprisoned for years leaders of the rebellion - including king of England.

Turn of the new century meets the Roman Empire still licking wounds of the passing years. Other nations however deal with their own internal turmoil too. Timur deals with Islamic rebellion, lead by descendant of Yusifids, that ruled whole Muslim east for 3 generations. Arab world is fractured as well, with power slowly refocusing in hands of new ruling dynasty - Murkharids.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Playing Now: CK2. Roman Empire 1300

While majority of European continent enjoys the Pax Romana, Middle-East for last 50 years was locked in a conflict between Mongols and Muslim Yusifid dynasty. With Golden Horde slowly gaining ground, especially since the fall of Yusifid dynasty, the struggle is far from over.

Meanwhile, far to the west in provinces of central Spain another struggle continues - for centuries Christians and Muslims fought over the control of this old Roman province. With restoration of Western Empire, Iberian Peninsula is slowly reunited under Roman control.
Scandinavia - the only region in Europe where Catholic faith remains strong, is subjected to Imperial expansion too, with throne of Denmark being taken by Emperor's nephew. While this doesn't incorporate Denmark into the Empire, Makedon family has potential to expand further north and subjugate Catholic heretics.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Playing now. CK2: Roman Empire 1250

In late 1210s new power came to the world stage - the Mongols. Armies of Ilkhanate defeated post-Seljuk Emirates bordering Asia and launched quick and decisive attack into Persia. This sparked a first war between Mongols and Muslims that will characterize next 30 years. Caliph Abdullah 'The Terrible', son of Yusuf, called for Jihad to reclaim Persia. Warriors from great Yusufid dominion flocked to the armies that soon went east. Ilkhanate - with recent victories stretching their force thin, defended their recent gains for few months, but eventually were pushed back. Armies given to them by Genghis Khan were decimated and Muslim armies recaptured Persia, ending Jihad. When it seamed that the Mongol threat was defeated, another Mongol army came from the east. Calling themselves Golden Horde, they begun conquering lands north of Aral Sea, heading west. Ilkhanate wasn't done either. Within few years they restored core of their forces and resumed war with Muslim world, fighting back Yusufid dynasty troubled at the time by civil war. Eventually, in late 1230s Abul-Gafur, oldest son of the late Abdullah claimed title of Caliph, reuniting his father's Empire.
Final blow to the Ilkhanate was dealt not by their Muslim foes, but brothers from the steppe. Golden Horde took over remnants of their predecessors - including Persia. Two great Empires face each other now, gathering forces for another war.

Meanwhile Romans and other Europeans enjoy time of peace. Roman Empire reclaimed their British province after civil war (instigated by Roman Empress Zoe) that put member of the Makedon dynasty on English throne.
By now, only major Roman provinces still outside it's borders were on Iberian Peninsula - where Muslims squared against Navarra.
New Roman Emperor - Justinian IV Augustus, will have to choose - either focus on retaking Spain, or prepare to combat empire that will prevail the war between Mongols and Muslims.

Greed isn't your colour...

So, news hit the fan about changing currencies on GMG.

The message wrote on the forum was:

Hi folks,
This is a quick post to let you know about some changes to GMG's service. The reason for this change is due to GMG's own increased growth and growth in certain territories.
This won't affect the vast majority of people, but it will impact some of you. When you next log in, any GMG Credit on your account will be changed into the new currency (if applicable) at the conversion rate of the previous day. It will not just have the currency symbol changed. Please note these changes are final, and we cannot make any exceptions for individual users to keep a certain currency, or change to one which hasn't been assigned to you.
If you want to verify whether or not you will be using a new currency you can contact our customer support team, by logging into Green Man Gaming and clicking Support at the top nav bar.

As an additional note, if your credit balance is reading as 0.00 when you had credit previously, please try relogging. This is only a display issue and you won't have lost your credit.
-The GMG Team

(original message: )

So, obviously I went into enrage mode the moment I saw it. Then I calmed down a bit and started thinking.. They still give away vouchers, that cut prices of the games by nice % anyway. So... I sat down to calculate few things.. added percentage, moved the decimal, carried 3...
And got mad again.

I don't even want to touch (but I will!) this forum information they left or another message regarding Sweden:

This is an important announcement for our Swedish users regarding pricing on the Green Man Gaming website.  We are always reviewing our policies here and have decided to make a change that will help us deliver the value you expect from GMG.All Swedish users will notice that prices on the Green Man Gaming website are now shown as GBP (£) instead of USD ($).Of course, this is a change and change doesn't suit everyone, but we hope that this will enable us to stay competitive and continue to serve your market diligently.
Thanks for your continued support
The GMG Team

I'm not from Sweden and I want to punch my monitor after reading this. This isn't even the good corporate talk.. you know, the type of talk they serve you in a way, that you feel happy about journey you're about to embark on, when essentially they tell you is "fuck off".
"Change doesn't suit everyone" - yeah! GMG is the Obama now - and if you're against "CHANGE" you're backwater white trash, lazy redneck who can't see that CHANGE is needed... but some people do! Because.. you know if "Change doesn't suit everyone" implies there are some people this change will suit!
O mamma, I can pay MORE for my games now? Oh, good! Finally I can pay the price that will help GMG deliver value I expect of them!

I'm sorry, what?
You're a digital store selling gamecodes - if your website doesn't crash (and it doesn't), you deliver codes fast and without hiccups (and you do), I don't expect any more value from you. I don't see how maintaining quality of your store justifies this change...
"(...) we hope that this will enable us to stay competitive and serve your market diligently."
'Freudian slip' anyone? Yeah, that's the very definition of dynamically repressed parapraxis...
This is literally too dumb to waste time on explaining what competitive means...

Okay, enough of this Swedish crap.

So, you may say what I'm thinking myself - they must have reasons to do that. There is something going on that made them do this change, beyond the poorly-written kindergarten level corporate "fuck you" talk.
Perhaps they have financial issues? Maybe they run into hard times and just need the money.
Maybe it was legal issue? Or. you know, some smart mambo-jumbo problem I can't even imagine.

You know... I'm happy hearing the truth. You are neck-deep in shit and this is the only logical way out.
I like you guys, you sold me a lot of games for really low price, I can return the favor and not bitch about this change the way I am and swallow some bitter-priced pills if it means it will keep you running.

Of course, in the kindergarten corporate world there is nothing worse than the truth - because truth shows weakness and weakness is to be exploited. Right?
Fuck. No.
This is the rat-maze mentality I escaped from myself last month.
Weakness creates sympathy, if you care for the victim. You can forgive and forget and feel like you make a change..
Shit, what am I talking about?
It's like a bad episode of my little pony.

Anyway. Does the change from US dollar do British pound annoyed me? Sure. I'm paying more for games when using voucher than I did before without. Will I buy anything ever again from GMG? I don't know, depends on some super sales.
What really pissed me off was the poorly handled way of introducing this change.

But hey, how can you tell someone "we want to grab more money" and don't end up looking like a Greedy Man? Cause that's what it is. It will hit the non € nor £ clients - that use to pay $ prices - and now are forced into euro or pound.. hey, btw... you guys know Poland is a member of EU and not a member of British Commonwealth right?

You know, my personal wallet won't suffer much. I'll just buy games from local CD-Key stores - Also, Brazil sounds nice..
So it's not that I was enraged by the fact you will take more of my money.. you won't.
I won't give you any unless you're having a sale that beats competition (same policy I have for Steam). So no harm done.

My enrage came from the fact you've build a 'good faith' feeling to your store. I place I went and knew you guys cut the prices so a regular bloke like me can afford more games. This is a great currency, you know? More important than pounds or euros - it's the good will of your customers. I felt like you guys weren't here to steal my wallet - just sell cheap games. That's why when your Christmas sale looked like someone made it just to force people to click 10 times on different "houses", I just shrugged - "well, don't know what were they thinking, but who really cares?"

And when you betray this good will of people, that's worse than being a greedy assholes from day one.
It always hurts more when someone we trust turns on us.
This is something EA is good at - you expect them to be assholes and you roll with it. Heck, I have this mindset each time I launch Origin "I wonder what game I can buy cheaper than from their store..." Seriously. I go check their prices and giggle to myself if I find place to get it 30-40% cheaper.
Silly EA, what were you thinking?

GMG.. what were you thinking...?
You need more money?.. Put a giant, amazing banner on very top of every website on your store and promote.. "one weird way to get your dick bigger". And people that would bitch about it tell "either that, or we raise prices of our games". I'd actually think knowing that "those guys are cool, they really want to protect our wallets and make my dick bigger."

Eh.. okay, I'm done ranting, I'm just out of... steam.

And if you think I used a lot of big angry words to hype my emotional state about this event.
Yes I did. Do I really feel like that? Betrayed and cheated out of my low-price games?
I'd like to say 'no'. But I must say 'I bit'. It's not a big disappointment, nothing to write home about. But enough to fill this stupid blog post. Drop it all here and continue my day thinking about some real life problems.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2. Roman Empire (1200)

Year 1200.
Aegis Makedon ruled the Byzantine Empire for over 50 years. During her reign Constantinople power base steadily grew in the west. Some of the last remaining French dukes bend their knee in 1150s, and while Brittany will remain independent for another decades, it was ruled by Aegis' son - Ceasar, practically giving Makedons reign over great majority of Gaul provinces. One of the most prominent Byzantine commanders of the century was a common woman - Eopaxia. Claiming to be in commune with Jesus, telling her to lead her nation to great victory she was admitted in presence of Empress Aegis. Impressed by zealous purity of the young woman, Aegis gave her great favours, enraging nobles and clergy alike.

Eopaxia quickly gained popularity among commoners, rising to the status of Holy Maiden that would lead Empire to great deeds. There was only one problem - Empire was prosperous, borders were secure and Christian faith was in no threat outside of Spanish provinces, that fell firmly into Muslims hands. Spain laid however beyond reach of Imperial interests, far on the other side of Europe. It was not the time or place for great religious leaders to carry armies into holy wars, and prophesied by Eopaxia great struggle was nowhere to be seen.

As Eopaxia ascended, in minds of simple folk, to a status of saint - her reputation among Bishops and Lords couldn't be lower. With tension in the Empire growing over this single woman, Aegis begun looking for outlets to rising emotions. She even entertained the idea of invading Holy Land and retaking Jerusalem from infidels.

Jerusalem was for over a century under control of Muslims, and re-taking it was always goal of Christian rulers. Holy Land however laid too deep inside Muslim country, conquering it would only encourage Caliph to re-take it again - Jerusalem was simply too remote for Byzantines to hold. As Empress considered invasion of Holy Land, Caliphate beaten her - starting yet another Jihad directed at Anatolia.
War couldn't begun in better time for Byzantines - as European Kingdoms, also enjoying time of peace, joined defense of Christianity quickly and in force. Byzantines themselves put to the field great armies, composed now not only out of Greek and Middle-Eastern soldiers - typical for their armies, but many French, Aquitanian, Italian, Croatian and Serbian soldiers as well.
Eopaxia, put in command of Byzantine Retinues (no noble lord would accept her command over him), made mostly out of heavy infantry, went though the borders of two warring states and dived deep into Caliphate, destroying or routing all Muslim forces that stood in her way, reaching Damascus, capital of Islamic rulers at that time, and besieging their castles. Christian armies meanwhile gathered in central Anatolia, and from here begun countering Arab incursions into Byzantine borders. No great army - similar to one fighting Constantine - ever came, and after few months of gathering forces and repelling smaller attacks, Allies begun their own invasion of Muslim country.

One of the reasons that Muslim attack wasn't as powerful as in previous Jihad, was the fact many powerful Emirs ignored call of Holy War - seeing the power of Byzantines and remembering the great defeat under Rhusos. Another reason for passive attitude of Arabs at the Imperial border was that they gathered forces to utterly destroy bold army lead by Eopaxia, that put their own capital under siege.

Damascus fell to the Byzantines eventually, but Christians had little time to celebrate, as many Muslims armies were now converging on their position. Recently battered into submission Damascus couldn't protect Eopaxia, she led her armies into open field and gave Muslims battle. Coming fight was nothing like the famous Rhusos struggle. It was very brutal and quick - Byzantine heavy troops, lead by Eopaxia fell upon Muslim ranks and shattered their center instantly, sending both flanks into rout within another few hours. Victory however had it's cost - Holy Maiden, Eopaxia, injured already during one of previous battles, was mortally wounded while charging infidel's ranks.
With their morale sapped by her death, Byzantine troops finished sacking Damascus and head west, hoping to reach Holy Land. Their path was blocked by another Muslim army, already blooded and without their zealous leader, Byzantines lost the battle, and now routed towards Beirut, with Caliph's armies at their heels all the way. Reaching shores of Levantine Sea, army's situation was desperate - with no means of destroying Beirut's walls and no time to besiege it, Byzantines were facing threat of being pushed into the sea by coming Muslims armies. Rescue however came from Imperial Fleet that evacuated trapped army from the shore.
Jihad would end soon and armies of Christendom would be victorious once again.
Muslims quickly deposed the weak ruler, and coming civil war would install Yusuf on Caliphate's throne. His dynasty would lead Arab world into next century.
Eopaxia, called saint and martyr forever joined the pantheon of Orthodox faith, revered, after her death by simple people and nobles alike.
Empress Aegis, now in her late 60s, with content observe return of her fleet, carrying scared veterans of Damascus. Ships brought to Constantinople some of the spoils and loot carried from Caliphate's capital.
This was an unexpected prize.
Empress never expected to see Eopaxia's army to take Damascus, nor to see any of the troops she sent with her to ever look upon The City again. She planned death of Holy Maiden since news of Jihad reaching her.
Sending Eopaxia to take Caliphate's capital city was a long shot at best. Sending her army without support was nothing short of murdering whole expedition.
Eopaxia died a hero's death - she stopped being the dangerous wedge pushed between plebs and nobility, she was now martyr for the cause.
Christianity emerged victorious from yet another struggle with infidels, and coming civil war among them would only weaken Arabs position for when Byzantine will decide to retake Jerusalem.
Emperor Neophytos - Aegis grandson - consolidated Byzantine position in Italy using local civil wars to defeat warring cities. His son, Angelos, was the one that eventually retook Jerusalem from infidels - and with that, crowned himself as Emperor of both, East and West Roman Empires. His reign however was very short, Angelos dies at age of 31, leaving his only heir - daughter Zoe as the uncontested ruler of reborn Roman Empire. Zoe turns 16 years old on October 16, 1199.

Roman Empire has no equals in the known world - with territories from Scottish highlands to river of Nile.
However soon, an army from beyond the known world will arrive to challenge Romans over control of Europe.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2. Byzantine Empire (1100)

Greatest swords are forged in fires that bend nature of metal to master blacksmith's desire. Same comes with great nations - their power is forged in the fires of war.

Year 1076. Encouraged by previous victories, Islamic rulers prepare another Holy War, this time aimed at the heart of Byzantine Empire, to break it's domination over Anatolia and eliminate threat from the weakened Empire.
Unknown to Muslim Caliph, Eventhia's heir, Hektorios, forges net of alliances with western powers. Most notable was marriage with Bavarian princess and heir to the throne - resulting in incorporation of Bavaria into the Empire. On top of that Hektorios expands African provinces and lend a hand in Christianization of norse Rus. In result, Hektorios leaves Empire to his son - Constantine VIII known as 'the Great' or 'of Rhosus' - ready to withstand another Islamic invasion - not only by the might of own strength, but web of alliances spreading across half of Europe. Constantine himself is married to an Aquitaine Princess - Margarida, and while French nobles never answered call of Constantine in coming war, this marriage will shape the future of France.
In coming years young Byzantine Emperor will be forced to call to arms all his allies, summon all his vassals and enlist all mercenary companies. In summer 1076 Imams calls to arms all warriors of the Crescent Moon and most of them answer. The war that will soon start will be the greatest struggle in war between Christianity and Islam.

Early part of the conflict is characterized by low level of fighting. Byzantium begun calling all their forces to Constantinople. Great army composed out of norse Varangians, mercenaries from across the Europe, Bulgarian, Russian and great many vassals of Constantine begun march in three columns to meet armies of Jihad, preparing to besiege the city of Rhosus in Cilicia.

So far, Muslims ravaged border provinces of Empire unmolested. But as the great armies of Constantine approached them, Muslims begun gathering forces for the great battle - both side knew the coming battle will decide the war.
Byzantines, beside their three armies knew of army fielded by Germans, lead by king Victor I, known as the Old. Those forces however, were still busy crossing Bosporus when allied armies were at the Cilician grounds preparing to attack Muslims besieging Rhosus.
Battle begun unfavorable for the Byzantines, as one of their three armies, composing mostly of Bulgarian an Russian allies was attacked by Muslim flanking forces and couldn't join the main host for the battle. Constantine, unaware of that development begun harassing Islamic forces. Muslims, knowing that Bulgarians and Russians won't join the main battle for few more days responded with massive assault. Islamic generals had one more advantage - their reserves, spread till now across most Middle East were already heading to plains of Cilicia, while only reinforcements Allies could expect were Germans, still many days away from battlefield.

Bulgars and Rus troops manage to dispose of Arab flanking force with relative ease, and reached the main battle under the walls of Rhusos within two days - supporting weaker, right wing of Byzantine Empire. With 3rd army joining the battle, both sides were of relative equal numbers - and neither side was willing to risk attacking. Both sites expected reinforcements withing coming month. Only difference was - while Constantine knew of reinforcements coming to aid Caliph and his army, Muslim commanders knew nothing of a 20.000 men army of Germans crossing though Anatolia at astonishing speed to join the battle.

Unfortunately, for Allies, Arab reinforcements reached Rhusos first, and with fresh troops at disposal, Islamic armies begun assault. Battle lasted for many days - as Constantine avoided exposing himself, content with keeping his ranks pushing back Islamic attacks. From the other side, Arabs are hesitant to renew frontal attack. They know that Byzantines couldn't defeat them in field - and they themselves weren't thrilled by risking frontal attack on Constantine's defensive position. They knew that Byzantines were at the end of their supply lines and knew nothing of their coming reinforcements, while they themselves were slowly growing in numbers all the time. They were content in harassing Christians and weakening their morale by constant but not intense fighting. 

After almost two weeks of everyday fighting, both sides could barely continue operations. Field of was covered with bodies of horses and men to the point no patch of grass or dirt could be seen. At this point, Arabs learn of approaching German forces, they can't bleed and starve Byzantine out of their camp as they planned - the must finish the battle now, or they'll be hit in the left flank by incoming European Knighthood.
During the 17 day of battle they begin their final assault, trying to break though across entire Byzantine line, giving Allies no time or place to rest their troops.
Sadly, it was too little, too late. On May 8th vanguard of German Knights reached the battlefield and hit the ground running, smashing against battered left flank of Arabs routing it and killing many Muslims too tired even to flee. 

Within two days whole army of Viktor the Old reached walls of Rhusos, turning an even battle into great slaughterhouse. Unable to reform their left rank, Arabs fought bravely against, now overwhelming, forces of Christians. May 12th during final, crushing charge, German knights broke though the Arab's center. That sapped Islamic spirit and sent remaining armies in the center into a rout. Left flank defended for another day, but eventually, overrun and with no hope for victory, Arabs sent envoy to Constantine and Viktor. Messenger was killed before he could say anything. Next day attack resumed and killed Muslims defenders to the man.

Aftermath of the battle.

Constantine, severely wounded during the battle, made peace with Arabs after the battle. While his armies won the day, Empire itself was at the edge of economical collapse and couldn't continue fighting. Imperial Crown was in debt for years to come.
Constantine himself died within a year after the battle. But before his death he exacted revenge on Aquitaine's King - starting a plot that would kill all relatives of the treacherous ruler that refused coming to Byzantine's aid, except his own wife - Margarida, and their only child, Aegis Makedon. Future ruler not only of Byzantine - after her father, Bavaria - from father's grandmother, but also Aquitaine.

Muslims fell pray to civil war. Those leaders of Jihad that didn't fell in the Rhusos battle, were executed and the power vacuum was ready to suck-up even more Arab blood before being filled by new dynasty claiming Caliphate.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2. Byzantine Empire 1050

Biggest news in last 50 years was mending of the Great Schism by Justinian 'The Saint', from Byzantine Empire. Christnians however have very few reasons to celebrate. Taken from Muslims at the end of last century Jerusalem fell back into their hands in 1030s as direct effect of Jihad that united Islamic states in struggle against Byzantine Empire and her allies. Rulers of Constantinople - facing armies of Jihad not only from south and east, but also north (where Muslim-ruled Kingdom of Georgia expands evermore into south Russia) hoped to defend their previous gains until help from west came. Despite letters of support, by the time east Anatolia was overrun by enemies only armies of Bulgaria made it to the field - other European armies were only forming up, or weren't even mobilized. The City itself was besieged for over four months. In this dire situation Empress Evantia - daughter of late Justinian The Saint called for armistice and parley.
As a result, Jerusalem returned to the Crescent Moon.
Meanwhile, far to the west kingdom of Castille was facing it's own annihilation. By 1050 on Iberian Peninsula only King Ansur II of Asturas (descendant of Princess Kara Makedon, grand-grand-grand-grandson, to be exact) and young King Henrike of Navarra defend Christianity south of Pyrenees.
Process of Christianization in North and East Europe meets ferocious resistance from Norse pagans - their believes spread to territories of Europe where Rurikid dynasty once ruled in Rus and Ruthenia. Today Rurikids are no more - but their faith and customs were taken over by new families - firmly upholding old faith and stopping Ragnarok of their religion.

Recently split on succession matter Aquitane is the only nation ready to pick up mantle of France and carry it forward - but will the vicious civil war leave them enough power to retake Ile-de-France from germanic dukes ruling it?

Saturday 1 February 2014

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2 Byzantine Empire (1000)

Year 1000 is here. Despite many false prophets and dumb-struck peasants, end of the world isn't here. No heavenly trumpets are playing and no rivers run with blood. No more than usual that is.
Passing century was the time of great trial for the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Leon VI rules only 9 years. During his rein, Imperial Court is blessed by 6 children. But God turned away from a Catholic Emperor sitting on Orthodox throne, and without Almighty's blessing, Evil found it's way into the court. Born in 904 child of Leon VI and Empress Anastasia, Princess Kara Makedon is tainted with Sin since her birth. Stories circulated around the palace for years of the odd happenings during the childbirth. Of birds falling from the sky, dead. Of crosses turning upside down, of black shadows crawling in the dark and animals giving into blind amok.
How much truth is in those tales, nobody knows - truth beyond any doubt is, that during life of the newborn baby, Makedon family will face many tragedies.
First blow comes in 907, with the death of Emperor Leon at the age of 40. His hair, Prince Constantine VII inherits the throne at the age of 8. Two years later a younger brother of Constantine, Kryllos is found dead in his bed, with no wounds or signs of struggle. Constantine follows his younger brother merely 3 years later. Throne passes on to another son in line - Antonios. He alone lives long enough to reach adulthood and sits on the throne till the age of 48... perhaps only thank to marriage of Princess Kara to King Alfonso IV of Asurias. With princess leaving the Imperial Court, luck seamed to return to Makedon line - starting slow and painful rebuild of lost territories during long years of paralysis caused by weakened Imperial power.
While Empire itself survived, their Georgian allies fell to the Muslim invaders. Nestorian heresy spread across the Empire and provinces north-east of Anatolia fell to Muslims as well.
Empire begun restoring order in it's borders in late 960s and early 970 under rein of Antonios' son, Romanos “The Wise”. Romanos' son - Alexos ruling since 974, actually expanded Imperial borders, using weakness of Abbasid Caliphate in the east. The crown achievement was capturing of Jerusalem in 998.
Since rein of Romanos, Emperors of Byzantine Empire returned to Orthodox faith.

Meanwhile Europe was turned into Karling civil war as different branches of the family tried to usurp control over majority of their dominion. The long struggle put Karlings out of power in Germany - rulled since 950s by Immedinger family. France proper turned into many small duches, slowly absorebed by Brittany and Normandy from the north, and Aquitaine from the south.
Today Karling family sits on the thrones of Lotharingia, Bavaria and Italy - still being the most influential family on the continent, contested only by the pagan Rurikids in eastern Europe.

Both dynasties - Rurikids that ruled Rus, and Oskydlr ruling Ruthenia got into a war over hegemony in eastern Europe. War ended with son of Budli 'The Cruel' of Rus, Prince Vladimir sitting on the throne of Ruthenia. Surprisingly, few years later Vladimir attacked domains of his father, starting a Rurikid civil war, mirroring similar struggle of Karling empire. War ended with death of king Budli in 997. His son, Vladimir, was now ruler of both Rus and Ruthenia. Yet, his rein was cut short, just two years after his father's death, Vladimir died as well, leaving his own son - named, after grandfather, Budli the newly forged state. 11 years old boy, became a sole ruler of the biggest kingdom in Europe, stretching from Gulf of Finland, almost to the shores of Black Sea.

(also, King Alfonso the IV, husband to Kara Makedon is found dead, soon after his 27th birthday. 2 year old child, Alfonso the V sits on the throne, while Kara marries a Welsh nobleman who soon dies. Kara lives till the age of 87 in east of Spain, serving her son and grandson as spymistress for many years. She lived longer than the lifespans of all her 5 siblings put together)

Playing Now: Crusader Kings 2. Byzantine Empire (900)

Okay, "Playing Now" what is that?

It's some in-depth view on game I'm currently playing. Different games will have different focus points and different elements to it. When it comes to CK2 I'll do the semi-narrative rundown of game as it goes, keeping track of events in game on different dates. Mind you, I'm not the best at this sort of game, it's too egghead for me. I saw some people being really amazing and building empires that swallowed Europe in like 100 years. I'm not that guy, I just play for casual fun.

Anyway, Byzantine Empire.
Idea is, to change history and restore the old Roman Empire to the west. Can Byzantine, ruled by Orthodox Christian mend the Great Schism? Can the fates of time be turned, and Byzantine not fall prey to Seljuks and then Ottomans?
We'll see... first: rundown of year 900 (30 years after the game starts)

(better resolution? Here!)

Europe lives with the turmoil caused by divide in Karling bloodline. Two decades ago, after death of Lotharinian king Lothaire II, governship over his domain was taken over by his brother, Louis, king of Italy. United Italian-Lotharinian kingdom was a greatest country on the continent at the moment. Stretching from south of Italy to Northen Sea.
In 894 king Louis died, Italy and Lotharingia were taken over by his two sons, that instantly begun fighting over lands united by their father. War benefited however another member of Karling dynasty, king Karlmann of East France, that attacked Lotharingia, claiming most of it's German provinces.

Meanwhile Byzantium, after 20 years of relative peace and expansion of borders under Emperor Basileus was left in hands of his oldest son - Leon the 6th. Much less skilful politician, than his father, Leon's rise to the throne is met by strong opposition - not only due bad reputation of young ruler, but also the fact he is a Catholic.

In eastern Europe two dynasties clam hegemony over Slavic people - Norse families of Rurikid(ruling Gardariki) and Oskydlr(Konugardr) - ruling respectively northern and southern parts of eastern Europe. Only kingdom where Slavs rules themselves is a young kingdom of Poland, united by king Piast.

A conflict between Christianity and Islam slowly hits up. Christians claimed victory over Mediterranean isles but in recent years fall of Tbilisi to Muslims, pushed kingdom of Georgia to the brink of destruction. Now, as the war between Asturas and Umayyad Sultanate starts on Iberian Peninsula, the conflict between Cross and Crescent Moon is sure to enter new, zealous phase.

Friday 31 January 2014

It touches.

Okay, quick question - what game did you played - not including some odd Japanese erogames - a regular, western game, that would have a fairly obvious mentions of rape, or characters that were obvious victims of one. There are a bunch of games I never played and even more I've never heard about, so I might not have the almighty perspective on it, but I don't think it happens often.

Sometimes you have those scenes like in Episode 2 of Star Wars, when Anakin finds his mother tied in a tent. We never learn why Sandpeople kidnapped her or why they kept her. I'd imagine feeding extra useless mouth in a community that lives in the middle of a desert planet isn't really practical. Remember, Sandpeople never asked for ransom, late-middle age woman wasn't really a perfect workslave either, not in the conditions they kept her in anyway... What would Sandpeople do with a slave anyway? Sell it? Then you keep the slave healthy, and don't beat her to death.
So an adult viewer can connect the dots and come to a conclusion she was being useful in some way after all..
But we never have it really said in the movie.
(wait, was Palpatine controlling the Sandpeople into kidnapping Anakin's mother, so he could find her and kill the Sandpeople? I'm so confused...)

We have a scene in Dead Island where protagonists find a girl scared out of her mind, and the two female characters throw the other two male heroes out of the room, and you get a vibe the girl went though some non-consensual sex before. I guess there are some "almost obvious" scenes in games implying rape - but it isn't really topic games are saturated with. Not even close to the level of other crimes we see in games. Hell, in like half the games out there you're a murderer. A cold-blooded killer that takes lives of countless enemies and goes on. So what? They are orcs/mutants/aliens/bandits/german soldiers/police officers/shop owners.
In games like Total War series any Paradox games or.. pretty much any RTS out there, you send countless soldiers to their death, sometimes with no chance of surviving. It's a statistic you look at at the end of the fight. You killed so many enemies, lost so many of your own troops. Click. Okay, lets see the economic report now.

If you tried to apply a modern humanitarian standards to games you play, you couldn't really play most of them.

But okay, we're not crazy - we know this isn't reality, the brutal murders are just a fantasy, and while (unlike in movies) you are the one that deals death, it is as unreal to your brain as any movie where protagonists kills dozens of "bad guys".
So, if it's all imaginary, what stops us from utilizing rape as an element of videogames. It's not that it's to sexually-charged. Sexually-charged games are everywhere. You don't really have to show naked bodyparts to transmit a clear message to the player.

Rape is a powerful and impossible to pass by event in any story. It's a perfect tool to really get a player involved. Especially if we know the female character. Imagine, game like... Final Fantasy 7 (I know, I bring it out too often...) [SPOILER ALERT!]* What if, instead of killing Aeris, Sephiroth would rape her? A pretty little flower-girl, violated by the power-mad main-bad-guy. It would totally had sense, since Aeris was an Ancient after all...
Would that make you hate Sephiroth more, or would just put him in completely different light?
We're use to dealing with death, rape.. not so much.
you know, everyone dies eventually, thankfully not everyone is getting raped...
How about the recent Tomb Raider game where we have rape attempt. What if it was successful? How would you feel playing a rape victim? Having to experience the even though protagonist's eyes?

That's important part of the story, you know - familiarity with participants. Any old-school beat'em up can have in the intro information about protagonist's wife being raped and killed, so he goes out on a revenge rampage. It doesn't really bring the story home - knowing the victim, having her to be someone we know before the rape and then after. See how she changed, how she looks at you differently.
How heart-breaking and involving would that be?
To be honest, I think I'd have to put the game away for a moment and take a walk after having such an emotional jolt deliver to my brain.
But isn't that good? Isn't involving us in the story, make us feel the most a goal of modern games?
Times of Contra or Mario Brothers-thin storylines is less and less present in games. We have the epic storylines, fully-voiced with graphics getting better and better - all to give us immersion factor.

Does gaming, as a medium, grew up enough to handle so heavy topics as rape? Unlike movies, that were from day one everyones-thing, Games grew out of kids/family entertainment. That's why people got shocked when this - use-to-be-safe realm got invaded by Quakes and Mortal Kombats... games hit puberty then. But did they really matured by now?

Yes and no, I guess. Sexuality in videogames is often treated as a marketing plot. You get armour bikinis, and generally underdressed females in many games. I realized it for the first time in 2002 (I was 17), when one of the promotional graphics for Neverwinter Nights was Aribeth de Tylmarande, paladin of Tyr, posing in a really strange heavy armour, that left top of her chest really unprotected. Unless you count distraction as a form of protecting oneself...
Games before that time did similar ways of "selling themselves", but it's the rise of 3D games that let us see the female characters in their revealing outfits.
Wait.. Actually, I think it was Tomb Raider, first game where the not-so-subtle sexuality of main heroine was triangle deep on the screen. Still, you get my point...
Sex Sells - so sexy characters are everywhere. But we often don't consider them any more real, than the people we kill in games. They are the eye-candies. Involving them in a brutal and traumatizing rape would shatter the illusion of easy-going that they emanate with.
It takes some guts to produce a game that can touch a player like this. And it takes some to play a game like this and involve oneself in what's happening.

*yes, I'm doing spoiler alert for a game that is out for 15 years..

It hurts!

So, you're a gamer, huh? Do consider any game to have a special place in your heart? Something you finished more than twice? Okay. Good. So we're on the same page - cause I have games like that too.

So, you're playing your favorite game for 5th-6th time and by now you know the main plot pretty well, and you get to this one point in the story you really didn't care for in your first playthough. You know, the one mission that is either boring, or suspends your disbelieve more than you can handle. Or maybe it's the bit that is just tedious and hard to complete?

I'll use, as an example Final Fantasy VII. When your team arrives to the city of Kalm you have this giant retrospective to Nibelheim when you learn first bits of the major story. And by the end of it, characters learn that there is something odd about Cloud memories and the plot thickens... but the whole retrospective scene is completely and utterly boring. Nothing you do or say has any impact on the world - cause it's a story WITHIN the story. So all you do is just follow the track and watch the dialogues.

That retrospective scene comes soon after adrenaline-pumping escape from Midgar, fighting bosses on elevators and fleeing on a motorcycle... getting out of the city. The whole sequence - since going into Shinra's building has the feeling of.. endgame. You know your characters, you know the story and you care for what will happen. You're like six hours into a game at this point. Some modern games have shorter storyline than that...
And then, after the great escape, the wall of watching retrospectives for an hour stares down at you with evil grin. This backstory is important and will be revised few times during the later game, and is used to bring the main bad-boss into the story - but I just can't do it.

So, what do you do? Rush though those parts of your favorite game, or drag it slowly, in two or three sessions, not to overload your brain with the content?

Me? Well, that sort of moment often makes me stop playing my favorite game altogether. I just stop, go play something else and don't look back at the game for a long while - and then, probably start all over.
In Dragon Age that sort of "dry patch" happens to me in the Magi Circle.
In Mass Effect - reaching Feros.
Each game I finished more than twice has those boring parts I'd skip if I could. This is one big plus of playing games with someone else. No, not like multiplayer - but having some living person with you, next to you. Yeah, in real life. I know, crazy - but that's how I played some games on PSX back in the day.
You can make that person click for 30 minutes button X.

Eh.. I feel like playing FF7.
You know, that's the other thing? You got it too? You feel like playing a game, it follows you for few days, then when you finally play it, after 2-3 hours you're done with it. What was that all about? Feeding nostalgia demons in your brain?

Wednesday 29 January 2014


This is the post where I talk about myself and why you should care about what I have to say.
Sadly, neither of those topics hold any real value to me, so I don't think you should care about it either.

Seriously, it's not like I'm doing this "I'm too cool to care" routine. I really think any information about me, or any gaming creds aren't really worth reading. If you find what I write entertaining, stay, if not good radiance. Knowing every gaming system I had, or how many times I've beaten game X on Y difficulty level doesn't really change anything here.

Only thing you really need to know is that I'll be talking here about games. Games I play and want to talk about, some afterthoughts or general reflections regarding general gaming or some silly details nobody else may care about.

Here, you've been informed.
I hate doing intros..
look, you've learned something about me after all!